Financial Information

We are an IRS-recognized 501c3, non-profit corporation. This IRS letter confirms our non-profit status. Donations to Friends of Mayer are 100% tax deductible.

If you were authorized to make purchases for Friends of Mayer, present this certificate in order to exempt the purchases from state and city sales tax. This ensures that more money goes to school programs.

Money raised by Friends of Mayer is used primarily to support the educational programs and enrich the educational experiences of Oscar Mayer students. The school’s democratically elected Local School Council (LSC), which includes the principal and parent, teacher, and community representatives, decides during its annual budget process how the money is spent. These meetings are open to the public. The Friends of Mayer board does not earmark money for specific purposes.

None of the board members or officers are compensated, and Friends of Mayer has no paid employees. Like many parents who volunteer at Mayer, everyone donates their time and services.

If you have any other questions, please contact FOM Treasurer at